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Thumper is 9-10 weeks old. He was found with his mom and siblings outside fending for themselves. He is a super sweet and cuddly boy. He has received his vaccines and will be neutered when he gains a few more pounds. 

Adoption Fee is $120.


Mena is a 9-10 week old female. She was found with her mom and siblings outside fending for themselves. She is very sweet and cuddly. She will get spayed when she gains a few more pounds.

Adoption Fee is $120.


Faline is a 9-10 week old female. She was found with her mom and siblings outside fending for themselves. She is very sweet and cuddly. She will get spayed when she gains a few more pounds.

Adoption Fee $120.


Bambi is a 9-10 week old male. He was found with his mom and siblings outside fending for themselves. He is very sweet boy and cuddly. He will get neutered when he gains a few more pounds.

Adoption Fee $120.


Tiger is a 9-10 week old male. He is one of Luna's babies. He is a super sweet and fun little guy! He was found in the projects right after his mommy had him. He has had his first vaccines, been dewormed, and will be neutered when he is 2-3 pounds.

Adoption Fee is $120.


Francis is a 9-10 week old female. She is one of Luna's babies. She is super sweet and playful. She was found in the projects right after her mommy had her. She has had her first vaccines, been dewormed, and will be spayed when she is 2-3 pounds.

Adoption Fee is $120.


Billy is a 12 week old female. She was found with her two siblings and mom. She beat the odds of feline parvo and is spunky and playful girl. 

Adoption Fee is $120.


Sassy was posted on the missing pets page and no one claimed her. She is a diva! She likes to be the ruler of the room. While we think she can co-exist eventually, she is sassy and hisses and swats the other cats at times.She is very affectionate with people and has the longest tail in the world. 

Adoption Fee $50.


Leia was found as a stray with her 3 babies who have been adopted! She went to a foster where they treated her for round worm and got her up to date on her vaccines. These kittens and momma Leia use to be feral, but their foster mom turned them into very sweet loving cats!

Adoption Fee is $50.

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